Egypt - currency

The currency of Egypt is also called the pound! But it’s not the British pound, it’s the Egyptian Pound. It’s fairly straightforward, one Egyptian Pound is made up of 100 Piastres and comes in the following denominations 25pt, 50pt, £1, £5, £10, £20, £50, £100, £200. Don’t worry you won’t get it confused with your UK money thanks to the Ancient Egypt decoration on its notes. 

It’s useful to have a range of notes with an Egypt holiday, especially in the smaller amounts. Many street vendors and smaller shops might struggle to change larger notes. After all, you wouldn’t take a £50 note into a newsagents back home!

Egypt has plenty of ATMs in resort towns and cities. There are also currency exchanges in large towns and even big hotels. In larger tourist areas you may well be able to pay in Euros, British Pounds or US Dollars but you’ll almost certainly pay a little more than you would in the local currency

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